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Top-3 Loot Crate Promo Codes & Deals for February 2025

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Loot Crate Rating

TrustScore 4.8 out of 54.8Reviews 13561356

Last Loot Crate Reviews from Trustpilot

Crazy delays, but fab items

I know the other reviewers are really angry about the delays in posting the crates out. But the company nearly went under a couple of years back and they’ve struggled ever since. I’ve always received my crates eventually and they have lovely official license items on it. However I have stopped my subscription now as the long wait it’s just too much now. I would recommend maybe if you live in the US as I think that’s where they’re located. But overseas it’s a struggle anyway a long long time.

Excellent quality cancelled out by awful customer service

Excellent quality apparel, bust customer service is god awful, they do not update you if there is a delay, they simply do not care. Ordered in November and still being given the run around in March, I've told them I am unhappy with the customer service and they just tell me I can cancel.

Bill Batsios
I got robbed by these guys of 6 loot…

I got robbed by these guys of 6 loot crates out of 7. They were sold at a deep discount. Still got one would maybe try them again. They may be back in business. They do have cool crates if you actually get them. ROFL 3 out of 5 stars want to try them again.

Jana Kellerova
Ordered gaming loot over half world

Objednáno: Gaming loot April 2021 Balík mi dorazil o dva měsíce později než měl v rozervané krabici, polepené anglickými cedulkami o nesplnění přepravních norem chabým zadělaním. Přestože byl balík otevřený, nic nechybělo (pustila jsem si unboxing te same bedny na od youtubera), pravděpodobně zloděje vyděsila Fallout ledvinka otřesného materiálu, co byla na vrchu. Dorazilo asi pět věcí včetně sběratelského připínáčku, který je v každé krabici, dvě věci z toho kvalitativně výrazně převyšovaly zbytek obsahu - svačinový box Doom a triko Dark souls. Označení na kufr a ledvinku nejspíš nevyužiji. Za cca 800 korun, které jsem i s dopravou zaplatila mohu říct, že jsem s obsahem spokojená, ale strhávám hvězdy za otřesnou přepravu a následnou komunikaci, kdy jsem pětkrát obdržela stejný automatizovaný email, když jsem společnosti poslala fotografii převzaté rozbalené zásilky a chtěla potvrdit, zda mi dorazilo vše. Shortly in english: packet arrived late, unsealed in horrifing condition, but nothing has been missing, quality of gaming stuff I got was decent for what I paid.

Hazel Lyons
Subscription with the sci-fi…

Haha subscription with the sci-fi lootcrates. I had 2 boxes then in December they took out payment, March took a payment and also June for a box every 3 months. I have still not received the crate from December, Contacted them they sent me another and surprise surprise that one also never turned up. I got fed up of waiting. So I asked for a refund of all 3 crates that I hadn't received. I received it all back, but £7.81. So I sent them another message saying the refund is incorrect with a screenshot for proof. I received another £5.50. That is still not right. Another £2.31 is still owed to me but what is the point off asking them if they are not going to read properly and have clearly got no maths skills or proper reading skills. The items are not even great items. I've probably had a a couple of bits and sold or trying to sell the rest to get my money back.

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