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Free Logo Services Rating

TrustScore 4.9 out of 54.9Reviews 24152415

Last Free Logo Services Reviews from Trustpilot

Angelo Campisi
Impeccabili in tutto

Impeccabili in tutto, davvero complimenti!!!


Primero hice mi página, todo bien, luego me di cuenta que las monedas usadas, son USD$ y otras 25 y NO incluyen el peso chileno para nada. Veo mis productos y todos en dólares, plop, muy mal. Reclamé y me dijeron que no era posible modificar la moneda de pago, Weebly es la empresa que hace todo. Un desastre, son muy amables, pero no solucionan el tema, tengo que irme, dejar mi página y dominio y nadie me reembolsa un peso ni me indemniza por perder mi valioso tiempo. Son muy irresponsables de poner publicidad en un país y no incluir, al menos, la moneda de uso. No lo recomiendo para nada. Me piden que conteste a través de Trustpilot para investigar. Ok así lo estoy haciendo. Si necesitan algo más para verificar lo que digo me avisan por este mismo medio. Espero una solución. Gracias

Margo Leftly

*edit After a long stressful day I realised this companies customer service are based in America. So what felt like I was being ignored all day was actually because of the time difference. As soon as they picked up my emails and this review I was contacted immediately. Having said that in a business critical situation like I had today I think that email is not a very effective customer support method (as it takes a day to respond and there is no live chat or phone options). PLEASE PLEASE CAN SOMEONE RESPOND - My domain renewed yesterday and shows as Paid and ready to use on your account details page. However our domain has been down since yesterday and none of our emails or website is working. All of our clients and customers can't reach us and we are literally losing business by the minute. I have spoken twice to Gandi the company that hold the domain and they have said that it's freelogo's issue as they need to take it off hold - but there is no contact number and no live chat - just an email contact form that says someone will hopefully respond in 1 day???!!!!!!!!!!

Broken Mugs

Several years ago, I needed a logo fast, and this was not a "free" option as their name indicates. Granted, I bought some useful things from the company several years ago, but this past year was HORRIBLE. Mugs arrived broken twice, I had to BEG for refunds, and I'm still waiting for the last shipment of items that were sent to the wrong address. "Shaldon" promised to rectify the situation, but has not replied to my email. I think it's a cheap company that hires people in India to answer customer complaints. They will say canned answers such as, "I appreciate your patience," and "I completely understand your concern," Bla bla bla. I suggest going with a different company if you want quality items and quality service.

Rachel Chebabo
Você vai encontrar um Logo para sua empresa aqui!

É um excelente site para confecção e ideias de logos. Propõem uma variedade de logos lindos, úteis e bem modernos e coloridos. è bem possível que você encontre um logo para sua empresa por aqui:)) Eu encontrei o meu, por um preço justo e um serviço rápido e extremamente eficaz!

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