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Family Dollar Rating

TrustScore 4.9 out of 54.9Reviews 166166

Last Family Dollar Reviews from Trustpilot

Sandra Lucas
Don't expect help

I purchased many items & I submitted reusable bags. When I gave the bags to the employee she told me to put the items into the bags myself. Besides it being her job, I am 78 & their carts can't go outside so I had to carry all on my shoulder, arms and hands. I was offended & told her that I had to carry out all the bags & she should put the items in the bag . p.s. She also did not offer to help!

Terry Pompeo

Cimarron, NM. Checker went out of his way to pack items well. Other employee took my items that I bought out to the car and placed them nicely. Then she offered to also put my walker in the car. Now I call that going the extra mile.

Monica Boyer
I visit the store at 5043 N Crescent…

I visit the store at 5043 N Crescent Blvd Pennsauken NJ 08110 and the employees there are great. However, due to recent closing of nearby Family Dollar Stores there have been a significant increase in theft. The employees are not equipped nor are they security guards to handle the amount of thefts and disrespect that they face constantly and it’s not fair to the customers who do pay for every item they purchase. My suggestion is to hire at least a security guard and/or a buzzer to allow customers to exit with the click of a button therefore stopping the thieves before they exit the store. There is not enough staffing to take care of honest paying customers and to catch people who steals.

Jennifer  Durling
First I purchased rugged lightning…

First I purchased rugged lightning cable for $15. The shelf price was $10. Second when I asked the clerk she shrugged her shoulders and said she couldn't do anything. I was very disappointed because the one I ho to in New Castle Va is nothing but great. This person could barely smile. My receipt shows my purchase at #11042. At 16:38:29

Norma Berry
Great customer service..location store…

Great customer service..location store number 12204 Rutherfordton N.C

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1. Shop OnlineFollow the link to your selected store or deal and buy as usual2. Earn Cash BackCashback would be added to your account automatically3. Get PaidOnce your transactions are approved, withdraw your rewards