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Desertcart Rating

TrustScore 4.8 out of 54.8Reviews 46034603

Last Desertcart Reviews from Trustpilot

Bartje Ostend

Prijzen zijn belachelijk duur, 10 verschillende prijzen voor dezelfde product, minstens 2x zo duur als op website fabrikant. Ik begrijp niet hoe zo'n site online kan blijven

Patty Jones
Fast and efficient

Fast and efficient. Tracking was easy to follow. I ordered something on eBay the day before and have problems tracking it and by the looks of it I'll be lucky if I see it before the end of May. Desertcart might be a little pricier but it is worth it for the efficiency they provided. Thank you.

S. Shawa
I came across Desertcart while looking…

I came across Desertcart while looking for a platform that can deliver cat food suitable for my sick cat, Amazon doesn't deliver what I want to Oman or is constantly out of stock, no supplier delivers the products I want to Oman or the UAE. I was frustrated till I found Desertcart. Prices are insanely high compared to actual price of product, which if revised would be great as people will go to Desertcart more often, but if you need something that is not available on any platform, you can find it on Desertcart. Moreover, the facility of having a Desertcart address (US, or UK...etc.) for items not available, made it even better as we no longer need to have subscriptions with other address providers. I would recommend Desertcart no doubt Customer service is great, so far my experinece is fast response, excellent problem solving skills, knowledgable and able to support

Fast delivery with very good…

Fast delivery with very good communication and updating about the order, I had surprised with a gift added to my first order Really thanks desertcart

Sam Ali
Serious Technical issues!

Three stars Only for the variety and the 24/7 support availability. But the app on IOS Keep crashing all the time on both my Iphone 14 pro and IPad 11 pro. This never happens to me with any other app! literally!! and then in website I couldn't see my wishlist. It doesn't show on either Chrome, Edge neither FireFox. is this happening to anyone else?

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How Does Cash Back Work?

1. Shop OnlineFollow the link to your selected store or deal and buy as usual2. Earn Cash BackCashback would be added to your account automatically3. Get PaidOnce your transactions are approved, withdraw your rewards