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XpressBees Rating

TrustScore 4.8 out of 54.8Reviews 474474

Last XpressBees Reviews from Trustpilot

Saurav Shinde
Horriable these maddarchodders are…

Horriable these maddarchodders are scamsters their family is feeding for scammed money.

Rahil Sardar.T
Very good experience unlike other…

Very good experience unlike other reviews i had an good experience

I had my international shipment from…

I had my international shipment from London to Ahmednagar (Meherabad). When i tried to findout review for xpressbess on the net, i was dispointed and sad that all reviews were so negative, that i got anxiety if i will get my stuff (10 boxes - 203 kilos). However my experience has been very positive, right from customer care to coordinater (Avinash) to the driver (Navaz, All Bakash). What i feel, is that people are mainly gving review or feedback when they have bad experence, but not when experience is positve. Would like to thank for the service. In terms of improvement, can be improved more on communication front.

Tannu kumari
The product is awesome 😊 the product…

The product is awesome 😊 the product is as good as shown in the picture I am happy with the courier service the is very good the product is on the time i am happy to get the parcel with expected date in the app

R.N Sahani
Received my order

I am very glad now as I got my order today at around 3. I am very Happy with Sarita who helped me in getting my order back. I was really pissed off before as I didn't get my order. But because of a single delivery person I blamed the whole system. I am really sorry if I have used a y harsh words against you. Think that it was all for that person who caused it happen. Now I am all happy to get my order. I really appreciate your help Sarita, Pooja and team. Hope in future as well this good service continues. I also take my complaint back against Saravana S though he didn't come to deliver I request him to learn from his mistakes to endeavour in his future. No harsh feelings against anyone..thank you xpressbees.

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Xpressbees Site Traffic

Official Website:

According to Internet analytics services, Xpressbees was founded in 2015, the number of employees is from 10K , it is headquartered in IN, Vadgaon Sheri, annual revenue is $1B, the company belongs to the eCommerce & Shopping > Coupons and Rebates.

As of February 2025, the Xpressbees website is visited by 6M users per month, each of whom on average views 4.77 pages and spends about 00:04:14 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 47.09%. website ranks 11679th in the world in terms of traffic, 774th in the USA and 3th in the USA in the eCommerce & Shopping > Coupons and Rebates category.

Compared to last month, the number of site visitors dropped by -3.50%.

Cash Back site Xpressbees is most popular in the India, attracting 99.00% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in United Arab Emirates (0.24%), third – in United States of America (0.23%).

Xpressbees receives the largest number of visitors

Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (100.00%) and paid (0.00%).

The most popular search keywords are xpressbees (), xpressbees tracking (), xpressbees admin (), awb tracking () and xpressbees track ().

Who Visits Xpressbees Website

Among the visitors of Xpressbees 60.72% are male and 39.28% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 25-34 years old, the second largest is 18-24 years old, the third is 35-44 years old.

Interests of Xpressbees Portal's Audience

Xpressbees visitors are interested in Computers Electronics and Technology > Other Computers Electronics and Technology, Computers Electronics and Technology > Programming and Developer Software, Finance > Banking Credit and Lending, eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace, and also visit the following sites:


The main topics of audience interests are india, online, news, google and search.

Websites like Xpressbees

Top competitor of Xpressbees is (65M monthly visits). Other similar sites are (36M), (13M), (9M), (7M), (3M), (2M) and (2M).

All supported carriers (549)

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