
Track Wanb Express Packages & Parcels

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Wanb Express Rating

TrustScore 4.9 out of 54.9Reviews 182182

Last Wanb Express Reviews from Trustpilot

Tina Simpson
Could answer people when they send…

Could answer people when they send messages

K Wk
Eigentlich nicht mal einen Stern…

Eigentlich nicht mal einen Stern wert,aber gibt man keinen,kann man ichts schreiben. Angeblich ist bei zwei Versuchen meine Ware zuzustellen ,diese nicht möglich gewesen.Wers glaubt,ist selber schuld.Es war immer jemand Zuhause.Fahrer hatte wahrscheinlich keinen Bock. Man bekommt nicht einmal eine Adresse,wo die Ware abgeholt werden kann.S.. Haufen.Und das über Amazon. Ich bin soweit, nichts mehr bei Amazon zu bestellen,wenn die nicht mal in der Lage sind einen anständigen Paketdienst zu beauftragen. Ich vergebe hier,weil das nicht zum erst Mal passiert ist -minus 10 Sterne

Fang  Qing
I recently used Wanb Express for my…

I recently used Wanb Express for my cross-border shipping needs, and I couldn't be more satisfied with their service! From start to finish, the experience was seamless and efficient. The customer support team was incredibly helpful and responsive, addressing all my queries promptly and professionally. They guided me through the entire process, ensuring I had all the necessary documentation and information. What impressed me the most was the speed and reliability of the delivery. My package arrived well ahead of the estimated time, in perfect condition, thanks to their careful handling and secure packaging. The tracking system was also very user-friendly, allowing me to monitor my shipment every step of the way. Wanb Express truly goes above and beyond in providing top-notch logistics services. Their attention to detail, commitment to customer satisfaction, and competitive pricing make them a standout choice for anyone needing reliable cross-border shipping. I highly recommend Wanb Express and will definitely use their services again in the future!

Adrienne PYKE
Terrible terrible terrible

1 Star .. Give zero if available Terrible terrible terrible Long delivery .. Cheap and nasty items from MODERNY which I wanted to return .. Quoted $96 FEE to return.. Just started my fight back.. RIP OFF BRITAIN where are you when you're needed ..

Marcel B.
Gute Erfahrungen!

Aufgrund der Vielzahl an schlechten Bewertungen und meinen eigenen Erfahrungen fühle ich mich genötigt, eine Rezension zu schreiben. Mein Paket ist innerhalb von 8 Tagen in Deutschland wohlbehalten angekommen. Was viele hier in ihren Rezensionen völlig vergessen: was hat wanbexpress mit den Lieferungen im Zielland zu tun? Nichts! In Deutschland übernimmt DHL dann die Lieferung und in jedem anderen Land ein nationaler Paketdienstleister. Also sind viele schlechte Bewertungen hier völlig fehlgeleitet.

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Wanb Express UK Ltd Site Traffic

Official Website:

According to Internet analytics services, Wanb Express UK Ltd was founded in , the number of employees is , annual revenue is , the company belongs to the Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics.

As of February 2025, the Wanb Express UK Ltd website is visited by 85K users per month, each of whom on average views 2.47 pages and spends about 00:01:21 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 43.74%. website ranks 538897th in the world in terms of traffic, 73289th in the USA and 471th in the USA in the Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics category.

Compared to last month, the number of site visitors rised by 42.77%.

Cash Back site Wanb Express UK Ltd is most popular in the China, attracting 51.12% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in United States of America (16.50%), third – in United Kingdom (7.96%).

Wanb Express UK Ltd receives the largest number of visitors

Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (100.00%) and paid (0.00%).

The most popular search keywords are wanbang express (), 万邦速达 (), 万邦速达物流查询 (), 美国小包专线 () and wanbexpress ().

Who Visits Wanb Express UK Ltd Website

Among the visitors of Wanb Express UK Ltd 59.38% are male and 40.62% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 25-34 years old, the second largest is 18-24 years old, the third is 35-44 years old.

Interests of Wanb Express UK Ltd Portal's Audience

Wanb Express UK Ltd visitors are interested in Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics, eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace, Computers Electronics and Technology > Search Engines, eCommerce & Shopping > Other eCommerce and Shopping, and also visit the following sites:


The main topics of audience interests are google, shopping, google tools, translation and 常用.

Websites like Wanb Express UK Ltd

Top competitor of Wanb Express UK Ltd is (2M monthly visits). Other similar sites are (232K), (79K), (28K), (28K), (27K), (6K) and (1K).

All supported carriers (549)

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