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Last Speedy Reviews from Trustpilot
![Dennis Caudron](https://user-images.trustpilot.com/64774c6ed938e40012fcced2/73x73.png)
Complete unreliable organization Never pay for home delivering because they pass with the car, not coming to your door and will drop your pakkage at one of there office.
![Nikita Peikov](/wa-content/img/userpic50.jpg)
Bear in mind, If you don't take you delivery back in 7 days, they will destroy this (steal in other words). The buyer did not take the package I sent, Speedy returned the package (I wasn't in Sofia back then). When I returned after my holiday 7 days later, they say that my package has been destroyed.
I tried to gain quotes twice and found the sales representatives and their customer services terrible. Slow responses or none at all without being chased. A lack of knowledge and enthusiasm and generally very unhelpful with a bad attitude. It's their loss as I will take the business to DHL instead who were happy to help and quote for a multi million pound company.
![Ivan Lukov](https://user-images.trustpilot.com/63e6a2e9da4d6400123d459a/73x73.png)
Защо да плащаме за услуга която не струва нищо, Чираците им (куриери) постъпват много долно и даже не идват и до адреса. Пишят че е нямало никой, за да свърши по рано работа и да отиде да се напие или надруса. И аз после трябва да се върна от Германия за да си получа умрялата пратка. Защото е на мое име а в офисите им искат лична карта и майка ми не може да я получи.
![Charles Kozak](/wa-content/img/userpic50.jpg)
How Good Service Makes a Difference I brought my car to Speedy Auto Service on 97 St. Edmonton this past Monday, and I want you to know how much I appreciate your mechanic's attention to detail. The car is running better than it has in a while, and I give credit to the work your people did. I will recommend your company to others in the future, and of course, I will return when my car needs maintenance. Satisfied customer, Charles Kozak
speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? Site Traffic
Official Website: https://speedysearchresults.com
According to Internet analytics services, speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? was founded in , the number of employees is , annual revenue is , the company belongs to the Health > Other Health.
As of February 2025, the speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? website is visited by 758K users per month, each of whom on average views 1.69 pages and spends about 00:01:18 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 68.46%.
https://speedysearchresults.com website ranks 92566th in the world in terms of traffic, 16415th in the USA and 392th in the USA in the Health > Other Health category.
Compared to last month, the number of site visitors rised by 49.85%.
Cash Back site speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? is most popular in the United States of America, attracting 99.71% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in China (0.09%), third – in Mexico (0.07%).
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Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (45.32%) and paid (54.68%).
The most popular search keywords are poetry about loss (), merkel cell carcinoma (), volunteering for teens near me (), miraculous ladybug season 5 () and pain management doctors near me ().
Who Visits speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? Website
Among the visitors of speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? 55.07% are male and 44.93% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 55-64 years old, the second largest is 65-Array years old, the third is 45-54 years old.
Interests of speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? Portal's Audience
speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? visitors are interested in Finance > Banking Credit and Lending, Computers Electronics and Technology > Search Engines, News & Media Publishers, Computers Electronics and Technology > Other Computers Electronics and Technology, and also visit the following sites:
- info.com
- informationvine.com
- commonsearches.net
- searchpro.io
- health.info.com
The main topics of audience interests are shopping, search, news, business and health.
Websites like speedysearchresults.com - what's your question?
Top competitor of speedysearchresults.com - what's your question? is healthline.com (270M monthly visits). Other similar sites are mayoclinic.org (147M), cdc.gov (83M), healthgrades.com (16M), health.info.com (2M), mysearchexperts.com (1M), symptomfind.com (843K) and healthinfo.care (374K).
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