
Track PackLink Packages & Parcels

Just paste the PackLink tracking number of your package into the form below and click «Track» ↓↓↓
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PackLink Rating

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Last PackLink Reviews from Trustpilot

Peter Yale

THIEVES & LIARS. This company oversee Evri,do I need to say more. Lost 3 parcels- which means STOLEN. Damaged another - SMASHED. WONT PAY COMPENSATION. I ask packlink 14th time. REPLY HERE SO EVERYONE CAN SEE. I charged buyer £5 yet paid £11, because I HAD FULL INSURANCE. What else is it you CHEATING INCOMPETENT FOOLS

Estafa de empresa no se hacen…

Estafa de empresa no se hacen responsables en caso de pérdida. Los amantes de lo ajeno lo saben y se aprovechan. Si envías con ellos tienes muchas posibilidades de perder lo que mandes.

this company a platorm for Ebay…

this company a platorm for Ebay deliveries dont care as long as they can find a way to block your complaint. Because they use several couriers its easy to confuse and dodge complaints all blaiming each other Ebay couriers and packlink. Yodel lost my parcel because of a fault with the tracking and thats where it ends. I ts shocking that Ebay promote Packlink as the premier delivey service and use tatics to evade Royal Mail. Do not use this Packlink or their couriers

Paolo Marenghi
Stay away from this company

Stay away from this company. Will pass all blame to courier when the package is not picked up the day after even though you’ve paid a premium and then charge you 2 months later as they say that either weight or size was over - they can’t confirm which - customer service shocking- stay away

daniela marbi
Errori e menefreghismo

Hanno compilato l'etichetta con indirizzo incompleto nonostante io avessi fornito indirizzo e recapiti completi e corretti. Quando il pacco stava tornando indietro non hanno saputo o voluto darmi informazioni sul tracking. Informazioni che poi sono riuscita ad avere autonomamente tramite il corriere. Bastava un po' di tempo e di buona volontà, che evidentemente i signori di packlink non hanno.Assenza di un servizio clienti decente, non una chat, non un numero verde, non un operatore con cui parlare. Solo servizio clienti lento e insufficiente tramite e mail. Nessun interesse per il cliente. Ora ho richiesto rimborso della spedizione, hanno chiesto tremila documenti e pare che non mi rimborsino neanche la spesa

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Packlink Site Traffic

Official Website:

According to Internet analytics services, Packlink was founded in 2012, the number of employees is from 201 to 500 , it is headquartered in ES, Madrid, annual revenue is $15M-$25M, the company belongs to the Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics.

As of February 2025, the Packlink website is visited by 1M users per month, each of whom on average views 3.57 pages and spends about 00:03:06 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 46.98%. website ranks 51534th in the world in terms of traffic, 8052th in the USA and 65th in the USA in the Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics category.

Compared to last month, the number of site visitors dropped by -9.31%.

Cash Back site Packlink is most popular in the Germany, attracting 21.29% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in Spain (20.81%), third – in Italy (19.53%).

Packlink receives the largest number of visitors from direct visits (20.34%) and search (41.46%), the smallest from social networks (3.90%).

Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (67.05%) and paid (32.95%).

The most popular search keywords are packlink (), packlink pro (), mondial relay (), packlink tracking () and shein pedido en transito con zeleris ().

Who Visits Packlink Website

Among the visitors of Packlink 61.08% are male and 38.92% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 25-34 years old, the second largest is 35-44 years old, the third is 45-54 years old.

Interests of Packlink Portal's Audience

Packlink visitors are interested in Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics, Computers Electronics and Technology > Other Computers Electronics and Technology, eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace, Finance > Financial Planning and Management, and also visit the following sites:


The main topics of audience interests are shopping, news, google, business and mail.

Websites like Packlink

Top competitor of Packlink is (196M monthly visits). Other similar sites are (57M), (49M), (13M), (9M), (9M), (8M) and (4M).

All supported carriers (549)

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