
Track Newgistics Packages & Parcels

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Newgistics Rating

TrustScore 5 out of 55Reviews 8585

Last Newgistics Reviews from Trustpilot

Nikki P

PHONE NUMBER FOR PITNEY BOWES LISTED FURTHER DOWN IN MY REVIEW. After speaking to the FTC, they said n investigation into PB can be done if they have enough complaints. I highly recommend that if the company you are ordering from utilizes Pitney Bowes as a shipping partner, stop ordering from that company. I ordered from G-STAR three times, and every package has been "lost" once it arrived at PB. My most recent package has been sitting at their Township location since Oct. 4th. It is now Oct. 30th! I live in Manhattan, so this is bloody outrageous. I was able to get a number for their corporate office, and speak with someone from the presidents office. They spent 2 minutes looking into it and deemed it a lost package (most likely stolen by someone there). Their advice was to call the merchant and have them process a refund. PB has no problem letting the retailer and the customer lose out. I read different sources online that mention PB employees actually stealing the packages and re-selling the items. At this point, I'm very likely to believe this to be the case. If merchants are still stupid enough to use this shipping method, they also deserve to go under. After speaking to USPS, it seems they are also fed-up with PB. There is very little anyone can do until this company gets shut down. RECOMMENDATIONS: -FILE COMPLAINT WITH BBB -FILE COMPLAINT WITH THE FTC (FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION) -FILE COMPLAINT WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL WHERE THEIR HUB IS LOCATED -FILE FRAUD AND THEFT COMPLAINT WITH IC3!! -WRITE REVIEW OF PB AND MERCHANT ON TRUSTPILOT -FILE COMPLAINT WITH CONSUMER AFFAIRS -CHECK INTO LEGAL ACTION OF SOME SORT (YES, IT CAN BE DONE) I'm tempted to call the local police for where their hub is and report a criminal activity complaint (package theft, laundering...etc.). Anything to get them sweating. PHONE NUMBER FOR PITNEY BOWES. PH. 203.356.5000 Get to the operator and have her transfer you to the office of the president. You will probably get one of the spawns (I SPOKE TO REBECCA) that work there, but don't be fooled into thinking they are going to do anything just because they ask for a tracking number.


Awful! Shipment lost or stolen perhaps. I contacted Bed Bath & Beyond they said it must've gotten lost in shipment. What kind of BS is this? Several weeks and no package? They reordered it last week and I still don't have any shipment tracking information. I've never experienced such horrible service! They're not a legitimate service that's for sure.

I ordered through Bath & Body Works on…

I ordered through Bath & Body Works on 4/4. On 4/6 B& BW shipped pkg. (unfortunately with Newgistics). There's a tracking # but now 14 days later no tracking info, no updates whatsoever so BBW has to claim pkg as lost. Terrible service with place to call to locate pkg. But sounds commonplace if you look at their horrible reviews. Unfortunately we as consumers don't have a say on the in between carrier. I would NEVER by choice use Newgistics.

Kim Rogus
They SUCK!!

They SUCK!!! Apparently now Victoria's Secret uses this service. No more orders! Ships from my state of NJ to Florida for 2 months, never made it for Christmas. Also, another went back to Ohio! Unacceptable to have to wait 2 months, then be told it's lost and can't replace items ni longer available!

No online exclusive Christmas gift

Ordered a gift set from Victoria’s Secret the end of November. Package has been sitting at the Grapevine location since December 8th. Paid 7 dollars for shipping. Step sister doesn’t have her online exclusive gift for Christmas today.

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Newgistics, Inc. Site Traffic

Official Website:

According to Internet analytics services, Newgistics, Inc. was founded in 1999, the number of employees is from 201 to 500 , it is headquartered in US, Austin, annual revenue is $10M-$15M, the company belongs to the eCommerce & Shopping.

As of February 2025, the Newgistics, Inc. website is visited by 56K users per month, each of whom on average views 1.47 pages and spends about 00:00:59 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 64.80%. website ranks 924595th in the world in terms of traffic, 100717th in the USA and 1095th in the USA in the eCommerce & Shopping category.

Compared to last month, the number of site visitors rised by 8.38%.

Cash Back site Newgistics, Inc. is most popular in the Philippines, attracting 54.26% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in United States of America (33.08%), third – in China (7.91%).

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Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (100.00%) and paid (0.00%).

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Among the visitors of Newgistics, Inc. 57.90% are male and 42.10% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 25-34 years old, the second largest is 18-24 years old, the third is 35-44 years old.

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Newgistics, Inc. visitors are interested in Computers Electronics and Technology > Search Engines, and also visit the following sites:


The main topics of audience interests are directories, internet tools, search, searchengine and web.

Websites like Newgistics, Inc.

Top competitor of Newgistics, Inc. is (3B monthly visits). Other similar sites are (1B), (757M), (54K), (26K) and (0).

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