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mailplus Rating
Last mailplus Reviews from Trustpilot

We use Mail Plus 2 - 3 times per week for many years now. Great service, punctual, reliable, honest business. Not to mention friendly. Never had a no we cant do that from them. Highly recommended for businesses that cant get to the post office, bank etc.

We are happy to have Stacey pick up our banking 3 times a week always happy and on time.

We use mailplus pickup, and on occasion the outbound mail option. It's given time back to our admin team to work on other tasks, as well as offering a reliable and cheaper alternative for outbound mail.

The Mailplus Team are excellent!!! Always friendly, on time, everyday and we love the relationship we have with Maria. So professional and always takes the time to get to know her customers. Thank you Maria & Family.

How did we ever manage our parcels without them? I don't know! the reliable service of mail & parcel delivery and pick up assists our business in avoiding downtime with staff out of the office and saving us money with access to their express Satchels. With the helpful and friendly staff at Mailplus servicing our every requirement, I would highly recommend using their services to assist any business. The team is providing excellent customer service and we would recommend this service again and again.
exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail Site Traffic
Official Website: https://mailplus.co.uk
According to Internet analytics services, exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail was founded in , the number of employees is , annual revenue is , the company belongs to the Gambling > Lottery.
As of March 2025, the exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail website is visited by 2M users per month, each of whom on average views 1.41 pages and spends about 00:02:13 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 25.69%.
https://mailplus.co.uk website ranks 23316th in the world in terms of traffic, 864th in the USA and 4th in the USA in the Gambling > Lottery category.
Compared to last month, the number of site visitors rised by 33.55%.
Cash Back site exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail is most popular in the United Kingdom, attracting 79.78% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in United States of America (8.42%), third – in Australia (1.61%).
exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail receives the largest number of visitors from direct visits (43.18%) and search (10.71%), the smallest from social networks (37.05%).
Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (99.98%) and paid (0.02%).
The most popular search keywords are daily mail plus (), rishi sunak height (), mailplus (), peter hitchens () and mail plus palace confidential ().
Who Visits exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail Website
Among the visitors of exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail 63.66% are male and 36.34% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 25-34 years old, the second largest is 35-44 years old, the third is 45-54 years old.
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exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail visitors are interested in News & Media Publishers, Finance > Banking Credit and Lending, Adult, Arts & Entertainment > Streaming & Online TV, and also visit the following sites:
- mymail.co.uk
- truthordarepics.com
- mymailaccount.co.uk
- wordplays.com
- uk.style.yahoo.com
The main topics of audience interests are news, uk, shopping, newspaper and international news.
Websites like exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail
Top competitor of exclusive news, podcasts and features - mail is national-lottery.co.uk (45M monthly visits). Other similar sites are freemojilottery.com (227K), gamblingnews.com (184K), igamingbusiness.com (144K), mymaildigital.co.uk (101K), focusgn.com (91K), gamblinginsider.com (71K) and thisisthecoast.co.uk (52K).
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