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Intelcom Express Rating

TrustScore 5 out of 55Reviews 185185

Last Intelcom Express Reviews from Trustpilot

Katie Paglia
Great service

Great service. Jason just left he was polite and courteous. Thanks Jason

Cindy Whan
Great delivery today by intelcom employee named Ahmed.…

Great delivery today by intelcom employee named Ahmed. The delivery person that delivered my Amazon pkg to my apt today was a great, nice young man named Ahmed from Intelcom. He has great people skills and speaks clearly. A very good employee to have when dealing with customers.Thanks for the great job today Ahmed. Hope to see you again!

Jacinthe Therrien
Colis 470470398 ma crème Néostrata à…

Colis 470470398 ma crème Néostrata à bien été livré dans les temps, très bon service.*****

Gary Hasler
No issues at all !

Intelecom Courrier Canada Inc has been delivering to me in the Kingston area for the past couple months for Amazon and have not had a problem with them. Always on time and friendly always smiling individuals delivering !! No issues !

Impressive shipping service

I'm a resident in a small city of Quebec, ordering on Amazon, and it nearly always arrive on time! They even support two-days shipping, and it was across the Canada. During a return, they got some complications for my item, but it got there. It is a Quebec company, meaning that it is local, and that I'm proud that Amazon uses them for one of their main shipping services.

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According to Internet analytics services, was founded in , the number of employees is , annual revenue is .

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Compared to last month, the number of site visitors was the same.

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Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (0.00%) and paid (0.00%).

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Among the visitors of 0.00% are male and 0.00% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 18-24 years old, the second largest is 25-34 years old, the third is 35-44 years old.

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