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🕑 Last Updated | February 7, 2025 |
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Intelcom Express Rating
Last Intelcom Express Reviews from Trustpilot
![Katie Paglia](https://user-images.trustpilot.com/66626429b579e1c328b51d90/73x73.png)
Great service. Jason just left he was polite and courteous. Thanks Jason
![Cindy Whan](https://user-images.trustpilot.com/657f03e02a9e120011421385/73x73.png)
Great delivery today by intelcom employee named Ahmed. The delivery person that delivered my Amazon pkg to my apt today was a great, nice young man named Ahmed from Intelcom. He has great people skills and speaks clearly. A very good employee to have when dealing with customers.Thanks for the great job today Ahmed. Hope to see you again!
![Jacinthe Therrien](https://user-images.trustpilot.com/66105ee187fcdb00112c0856/73x73.png)
Colis 470470398 ma crème Néostrata à bien été livré dans les temps, très bon service.*****
![Gary Hasler](https://user-images.trustpilot.com/65a08368cf92d20013942108/73x73.png)
Intelecom Courrier Canada Inc has been delivering to me in the Kingston area for the past couple months for Amazon and have not had a problem with them. Always on time and friendly always smiling individuals delivering !! No issues !
I'm a resident in a small city of Quebec, ordering on Amazon, and it nearly always arrive on time! They even support two-days shipping, and it was across the Canada. During a return, they got some complications for my item, but it got there. It is a Quebec company, meaning that it is local, and that I'm proud that Amazon uses them for one of their main shipping services.
Site Traffic
Official Website: https://intelcomexpress.gocloudlogistics.com
According to Internet analytics services, was founded in , the number of employees is , annual revenue is .
As of February 2025, the website is visited by 5K users per month, each of whom on average views 6.53 pages and spends about 00:07:08 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 22.95%.
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Cash Back site is most popular in the United States of America, attracting 76.64% of visitors from this country.
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