
Track Asendia USA Packages & Parcels

Just paste the Asendia USA tracking number of your package into the form below and click «Track» ↓↓↓
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Asendia USA Rating

TrustScore 4.8 out of 54.8Reviews 2525

Last Asendia USA Reviews from Trustpilot

Manuel Giurgiu
Avoid this company

You are the worst transporter I have ever dealt with. In addition, the UniUni company that was supposed to deliver the package on August 2, 2024 did not do so even though it wrote on their website that it was Out for delivery. Excellent service for customers that you and UniUni offer and carry the customer from one side to another. Shame on you for the way you serve a customer. I would never want to do business with this company again. Don't even answer me because I'm already tired of listening to embarrassing excuses because you don't take into account what the customers say anyway. Four days have passed since you had to deliver the package! I am ashamed of you.

Lisa Haas
Empty Post Bag from Amazon

I ordered a US game from a 3rd party on Amazon, shipped through Amazon. An EMPTY postbag arrived from England, with Asendia listed on the label as the shipper. Because the scanned bag itself arrived, its now up to me to prove the product was missing. Super frustrating.

Media Gaming Picci
Non sanno gestire i tempi,perché ho…

Non sanno gestire i tempi,perché ho speso 5€ di spedizione per averci oggi il pacco ed è ancora disperso. Non so che dire sono stranI. NON ORDINATE DA QUESTI PERCHÉ NON SAI QUANDO TI ARRIVA UN PACCO

Daniel Chavez
So eBay used these geniuses to ship a…

So eBay used these geniuses to ship a Lenovo laptop to me. Guess what, the screen arrived broken and when I turned on the laptop it started making strange noises. The laptop arrived completely busted. This is the worst shipping company I have had ship me something. No idea why eBay still uses them as one of their shipping providers.

i recently ordered something from the…

i recently ordered something from the us to denmark arrived to danish customs in a week. i think most of the people are having good experience. and only the ones that have bad ones write a review i have another package on the way from the us with asendia usa will update how long that one takes. and shipped with e-paq plus

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Asendia USA Site Traffic

Official Website:

According to Internet analytics services, Asendia USA was founded in , the number of employees is from 1K to 5K , it is headquartered in US, Folcroft, annual revenue is $100M-$200M, the company belongs to the Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics.

As of February 2025, the Asendia USA website is visited by 2M users per month, each of whom on average views 1.74 pages and spends about 00:01:18 minutes on the site. At the same time, the bounce rate (quick exit from the site) is 57.88%. website ranks 55155th in the world in terms of traffic, 7992th in the USA and 40th in the USA in the Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics category.

Compared to last month, the number of site visitors rised by 8.22%.

Cash Back site Asendia USA is most popular in the Canada, attracting 21.71% of visitors from this country. It has its second largest number of users in Australia (11.05%), third – in United States of America (10.44%).

Asendia USA receives the largest number of visitors from direct visits (52.31%) and search (5.22%), the smallest from social networks (2.12%).

Traffic from search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Bing, AOL and others) consists of organic (99.74%) and paid (0.26%).

The most popular search keywords are asendia usa (), asendia tracking (), asendia usa tracking (), is panty and stocking an anime () and ascendia tracking ().

Who Visits Asendia USA Website

Among the visitors of Asendia USA 56.99% are male and 43.01% are female. The largest age group of visitors is 25-34 years old, the second largest is 18-24 years old, the third is 35-44 years old.

Interests of Asendia USA Portal's Audience

Asendia USA visitors are interested in Computers Electronics and Technology > Social Media Networks, News & Media Publishers, eCommerce & Shopping > Marketplace, Business and Consumer Services > Shipping and Logistics, and also visit the following sites:


The main topics of audience interests are shopping, canada, google, news and search.

Websites like Asendia USA

Top competitor of Asendia USA is (196M monthly visits). Other similar sites are (57M), (23M), (5M), (996K), (578K), (410K) and (39K).

All supported carriers (549)

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