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  194 ViewsLast update: 2024-04-01 17:42:40

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ALEKS Retailer Rating

TrustScore 5 out of 55Reviews 1111

Last ALEKS Reviews from Trustpilot

Alex Shropshire
This program will mark you incorrect, even if your right!

If ALEKS had zero stars, I have chosen to give this site 0. This is a horrible math program but not because of the math. I have had so many problems, on multiple occasions, where I put in the correct answer and I was marked incorrect! Maddening, I can't believe schools are using this crap! They know about the technical issues at my school but we still have to use it. Cheap POS!

Ace m.
Just Absolute Freaking Garbage

So, for an intro, i am taking advanced classes on this site, and have been for several years, and, as every other review states, ALEKS, by McGrawHill, is by far the worst "learning website" that I have ever used. The user interface is boring, the problems will never load, and the "advanced" classes being "taught" are actually a year behind what non-advanced students are learning. Also, the fact that it tells you to "take a break" after getting 5 questions wrong is extremely infuriating, especially considering that it will lock you out for 2+ hours. Professors, Teachers, Parents, this website is not worth the money or the time. Do not use. For more ALEKS by McGrawHill reviews go to the Sitejabber page.

Mia Valentine
Just the worst learning app possible

It's crazy that students have to do a specific amount of these every week (or at least at my school). The explanations are terrible, the questions don't make much sense, and sometimes when I put in the correct answer they will still mark it as wrong. If you're a teacher thinking about maybe using this, don't.

Jasper Grenager

Awful. The textbook questions in Microeconomics 23e are all vague and confusing. The questions sound like they were written by interns who glanced at the textbook once and have never taken any economics classes. If you are a school/teacher that is considering using the service, please use something else. This is the worst online textbook I've ever had. The software is extremely time confusing and asks you unnecessarily to rate your "confidence in your answer" after every single problem. The main problem is the textbook quality though.

Cody Epstein
I Have gotten a question wrong yet it…

I Have gotten a question wrong yet it was right!

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