You can buy things cheaper online than at actual physical shops. One way to save even more money is using promo codes (coupons, coupon codes, voucher codes). They are combinations of numbers and letters that you need to put in a special box at some point of check out process when buying something from an online store. You must have seen it at least once. Using promo codes sometimes lets you save up to 90% of the cost and get the same quality product.
Sometimes promo codes won’t give you a discount, but a different pleasant bonus, such as free delivery or a gift. All of these are ways for an online store to promote itself. Every store wants to attract as many customers as possible. And bonuses raise sales – people are much more likely to shop when they know they’re getting more than their money’s worth.
Types of promo codesSometimes you don’t need to have a particular code or a numbers-and-letters combination. A potential customer may simply go to a page of the online store that lists special offers.